My goal in creating Brianna’s Handmade Soap is to offer high quality vegan soap and skin products that promote kindness over suffering. Brianna’s Handmade Soap is not only cruelty free but actively strives to make a difference by supporting organizations that minimize suffering. I support Maple Farm Sanctuary and Farm Sanctuary by donating 5% of profits to these two sanctuaries.
Farm Sanctuary Visit
In 2014 my husband and I visited the Finger Lakes region in upstate New York, an area mostly known for its vineyards and wineries. One day between wine tastings we stumbled upon the picturesque Farm Sanctuary. Not knowing what it was, we stopped in, just in time to take a tour. Little did I know, this was the last day I’d ever eat meat.
We learned that farm sanctuaries provide permanent homes for abused, abandoned and unwanted farmed animals. At the same time they promote veganism and kindness toward all beings. They not only provide safe homes, in many cases they nurse these animals back to health so they can thrive. I saw this first-hand.
We had two tour guides, one human and one turkey (yes, you read that correctly!). Turpentine (the turkey not the human guide) was beautiful, friendly and rambunctious and followed us through the whole tour. He begged for pets while running circles around us. He led us out to the pasture where we socialized with cows and goats and into the barn where we hung out with pigs who loved tummy rubs. What struck me most was that each animal had their own distinct personality.
After My Farm Sanctuary Visit
After I decided I would no longer eat meat, I examined my many bath and body products. I noticed that my bar of soap contained beef tallow (lard). Doing more research, I learned that soap manufacturers use animal ingredients because they are cheaper than the more expensive – but better for you and the environment – plant based oils. I discovered that unless a product states otherwise, it is likely that all or some of its ingredients are tested on animals. There is no reason why animals need to be harmed to create a high quality product!